To regular listeners, Mark Yusko needs no introduction. It was just a few months ago he appeared on the podcast to discuss Gut Instinct (And Why His Says We’re Headed For A Crash). This time Mark shares his thoughts on the wild popularity of passive investing, the outright disdain for hedge fund investing and his potential 10-year bet with Warren Buffett. Follow Mark on Twitter @MarkYusko and read his quarterly letters at Below are a few notes and links related to our conversation.
- Mark’s Q2 Letter to Fellow Investors – #darknessfalls
- Why I lost my bet with Warren Buffett – by Ted Seides
- The Warren Buffett Yardstick (Market Cap-to-GDP)
- Stan Druckenmiller’s speech at the Lost Tree Club
- Tao Jones Averages at
- W. D. Gann techniques of analysis and trading at
- 2017 Bradley Siderograph via @hmeisler
- Samuel Benner’s Prophecies of Future Ups and Downs in Prices
- Paul Ng predictions for 2017