Economist Nouriel Roubini, aka “Dr. Doom,” has become a full-blown celebrity since the financial crisis began over a year ago. His uber-bearish predictions have been borne out and then some causing the financial media to elevate him nearly to cult status.
Not only is Dr. Doom basking in the limelight, he’s celebrating his success by partying like a rock star. reports:
Bad times have certainly been good for Roubini’s social life. For years, he has been a manic host of everything from small dinner parties to big bashes. The soirees are more crowded of late, attracting everyone from members of the hedge-fund set to a former Miss Ukraine and propelling the bachelor economist onto the tabloid gossip pages. (He has become a New York Post regular, and CNBC often plays disco music when he appears on the air.)
It seems to me that the case of Roubini’s celebrity is exactly the inverse of CNBC making celebrity bulls out of the likes of Mary Meeker, Abby Joseph Cohen and Joe Battipaglia late in the tech bubble. They have since been shamed back into obscurity.
So how long with the “cult of Roubini” last? Dr. Doom, obviously, isn’t waiting to find out. He’s going to make the most of his 15 minutes and who can blame him?
[youtube](Click for video)Source:
The Prime of Mr. Nouriel Roubini
Helaine Olen
Conde Nast
April 2009