- What Goldman Sachs could learn from the rules of golf (Bloomberg)
- Captured Somali Pirates Say They Are Subsidiary of Goldman Sachs (Ritholtz)
- Did Paulson Violate The Fair Credit Reporting Act? (Consumerist)
- Jeremy Grantham is uncomplimentary about his industry (Financial Times)
- Credit Default Swap Spreads Warn Of Upcoming Rout For Financial Stocks (Business Insider)
- Did Porn Cause The Financial Crisis? (Atlantic)
- Portugal risks becoming the new Greece (Bloomberg)
- Failed German Bond Auction: An Evil Portent? (Barron's)
- Seven Reasons Apple Shareholders Should Be Cautious (WSJ)
- Cheaper iPad Knock-offs Thrive in China (Mashable)
- Are Earnings Expectations Too High? (Ritholtz)
- The Revolution Will Not Be Seasonally-Adjusted (Annaly)
- Normal Recovery? Don't Believe It. (Comstock)
- Break it down, Macro Posse (YouTube)
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