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Early in January I wrote that “My Back Pages” was “Going Radical in 2009”. The blog had become too disjointed with link dumps, charts and tangents that I wanted to refocus it on bigger ideas.

I haven’t been totally successful putting this intention into practice so far but I think I’ve found some help. I’ve been using a few other services lately that are perfect for link dumps, chart and tangents.

First on the list is Twitter. I’ve been using it for a while now and I’ve written about it before. It’s also getting a boatload of press lately. Twitter is a very good outlet, in fact the best I’ve found, for posting links to spark discussions on various topics I’m not eager to write a full blog post about. Join the discussion on Twitter @jessefelder

The second service I’ve found useful recently is Posterous. I’ve only been using it for a couple of weeks now but it’s ideal for posting charts, photos and the editorial cartoons I love so much. My Posterous Blog can be found here: jessefelder’s posterous

Finally, could be the next big thing in the world of social media. It basically works as an aggregator of social media services to create what I call the “poor man’s home page.” Check out to see my profile.