“Ten Years (and a third of stocks’ value) Gone” (chart)
January Was Dow’s Worst In 113 Years
Daschle Paid Back $140k In Taxes After Vetting
‘Bad Bank’ Run By FDIC Possible By Next Week
Are You Ready for a Challenge?
Printing The NYT Costs Twice As Much As Sending Every Subscriber A Free Kindle
Are Money-Market Funds Enemy #1?
“Hello YouTube” – Gasparino Drops F-Bomb On Air
Obama’s stimulus plan: Hurry up and wait
California facing worst drought in modern history
The “Big Mac Index” and more…
Bank Bailout Could Cost Up to $4 Trillion
We have entered the deflation zone
30-year t-bond yield back within the long-term trend lines
Something’s gotta give: Oil-to-gold ratio near historic extreme
Bailout Rate of Return: -1,096%
Heigh Ho! Heigh Ho! It’s off to the unemployment office we go!
“I’ll have what Geithner’s having.”
Best Superbowl Commercials 1979-2009
Will Doug Kass get the Michael Arrington treatment at Woodstock for Capitalists?
The Serious Need for Play
Natty gas ($UNG) is pretty darn oversold and sitting right on its 2006 lows.
“Life is a video game. No matter how good you get, you are always zapped in the end.” -John Updike (RIP)
Only Four Chords Are Needed to Make a Hit Song
Bernie cheated at golf, too.
Blind Faith and Leverage: The New Hope
Stocks still in the top 2% of volatility periods since 1927
With our ever-increasing deficits, politicians (and citizens) will soon be consulting this list
Iceland Collapse: Riots, Suicide, and Soup Kitchens
Monday Bloody Monday: 61,000 Job Cuts Announced
Greatest NYTimes article ever printed?
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wnYYlvb5-k&hl=en&fs=1](Click for video)