Cups with handles on multiple time frames ($DIA, $QQQQ, $SPY). Can they pull through?
Finding Good News in Falling Prices
The Bulletin’s “Legal Notices” section (foreclosures) has now officially surpassed the Saturday Real Estate section in sheer size
Google Flushing Cash Down The Toilet
Why Pain on Purpose Hurts More
Yale Endowment Down 25% Since June 30th
Southern California’s median home price drops below $300,000
Why Low-Carb Dieters Lose Brain Function As Well As Poundage
0% Fed Funds rate?!?!? Helicopter Ben is living up to his rep
Get your own piece of the TARP!
How to Predict Tomorrow’s Hit Songs Today
NBC’s “Jizz In My Pants” Owns YouTube
The Real Price of Gold
Desperation, Pain Show in Emails Over Madoff Scandal
Third of Hedge Funds Face ‘Wipe Out’ After Slump
Oil Guru Changes From $150 Bull to $25 Bear and Back
U.S. homes lose $2 trillion in value during 2008