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morning swim and lunch meeting on fed day – nothing to do today but wait – positions on…

954 news stories waiting for me in google reader and 200+ charts to scan…

now this is cool. good work $NTDOY

sorry, link here:

any thoughts on $SIRI sub 2 bucks? 2.85B market cap? The satellites must be worth more than that…

heard speculation Carlin was worth $100 million… that’s one rich hippie!

very good charts here showing the rapid economic deterioration across the country:

@Prospectus it has always helped me to go back to paper trading while keeping a meticulous journal tracking every trade, fwiw…

with banks up 3% $CACB is putting in another impressive performance – might this have something to do with it?

how tweet it is…

dutch bros on cnbc!

no change – fisher is the lone hawk…

talking about fedspeak makes me feel like a secret agent – “the eagle has landed!”

typical, shakesperian fed day:

rollover cobain:

this is money:

@MissTrade close of the day (relative to prefed level) is typically false, too, and reversed in following days…

move over hooter’s

follow me on Twitter: jessefelder

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