San Diego television station, News 10, reports:
If you’re looking for a bargain, the deals are out there.
However, one particular deal takes the cake.
“We thought, ‘Why does it just have to be on Pop Tarts and restaurants? Why not buy one home, get one free,'” said Dawn Berry of Michael Crews Development.
Michael Crews Development is offering new, 2000-square foot cityscape row-homes worth $400,000 in Escondido for free — if you buy one Royal View Estate home in San Pasqual Valley starting at $1.6 million.
Two houses for $2 million, eh? I think I’ll pass…
Local Developer Offers 2 Homes For Price Of 1
May 23, 2008
In Escondido: Buy one (house), get one free.
Peter Viles
Los Angeles Times
June 1, 2008