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I knew Bend was behind the curve when it came to the real estate market (for starters) but what I found in today’s paper was astounding.

The problems with teaser-rate mortgages have been all over the press lately. In fact, the press has been predicting problems with these types of loans for quite a while now.

Showing great tact and temperance, Buena Vista Custom Homes ran a full page ad in today’s Bulletin publicizing their teaser rates for homes in the company’s Forum Meadows subdivision (east of Costco). “Buy a $443,950 home for $645 per month!!! (Regularly $2,206 per month.)”

Considering the city’s median household income of $40,857 ($3,405 per month), how many locals do you figure can afford a $645 monthly payment? I’d guess that the vast majority of people living here could afford it. How many do you figure could afford the the payment after it triples? (Hint: it would take roughly double the median income to afford the higher payment.)

I’ve heard plenty of people around town call Bend the next Aspen. I just hope we’re not the next Greeley.

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