Peter Atwater was pioneer in securitization and has served in important leadership roles at some of the largest financial institutions on the planet. Today, he writes and speaks extensively about how changes in confidence affect our preferences, decisions and actions. In this episode we discuss how he discovered socionomics, what about it appealed to him and how it shapes his views on the markets and more. Follow Peter on twitter @Peter_Atwater, read his posts at LinkedIn and subscribe to his in-depth reports on socionomics and the markets at Below are a few notes and links related to our conversation.
- Moods and Markets by Peter Atwater
- Confidence-driven decision-making: Peter Atwater at TEDxWilmington
- America’s chronic case of under confidence: Peter Atwater at TEDxCollegeofWilliam&Mary
- CEOs and investors should beware the curse of authorship by Peter Atwater
- Labor share of corporate profits chart at FRED
- Ralph Nader: How CEO stock buybacks parasitize the economy
- Is Amazon getting too big?